Zsuzsa Pannonhalmi: Fibulas
(2013, Handshake Europe Sculpture Park)
Zsuzsa Pannonhalmi’s artwork “Fibulas” is erected in the Statue Park. The upper end of the four pieces of about 55 inches tall Fibulas are turn out with patterns.
In other words fibula is a clothing fastener, buckle, which was used in the antique times to fix a cloak, or other overgarments on the shoulder. It worked similarly to todays’ safety pin.
The original meaning is a tool for fastening, connecting things. It is present in the archaeological finds since the Iron Age. In certain Celtic graves as many as 6-10 pieces have been found by the archaeoligists. Through the antiquity the use of fibulas was characteristic in the Greek or Roman Empire and later at the German tribes as well. The patterns, the delicacy or refinement was depending on the wealth of its owner. It was commonly used until the medieval times.